Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

A day to remember all the days of my life. I will always remember what I was doing and where I was at when our country became the victim of terror. No words can be spoken to take away the pain in every American on that dreadful day. Whether you were physically involved in the disaster or sitting at work or home watching everything playout, seemingly in slow motion on the television, feeling paralyzed, and numb.

Today we remember all the lost, physically wounded, and emotionally scarred from our tragedy. On this day, September 11th 2008, the seventh anniversary of the attack on America, our hearts go out to all the families of the victims now and always. I can only hope that one day we find and return the pain induced favor to Osama Bin Laden and all of his crazy followers.

May God Bless the United States of America!!!

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