Saturday, January 31, 2009

Another tug on my Heartstrings

Today is very bitter sweet for me. Caleb's Basketball season just started up last Saturday and he had his second game this morning at 8:15. In which I've missed both due to a conflict with work AGAIN!

I've always been very fortunate to make it to every one of my son's sporting events in his life so far and he is 10 now. It literally is breaking my heart that I've missed his first two. I make sure I tell him "Good Luck", and "Play Hard", and my everyday "I Love You!", before I leave in the mornings. Plus I always ask him to call me with the game results.

Something about getting the results over the phone just isn't the same as being a part of the action. I get so excited when I watch Caleb play sports. He is so talented. I don't want to miss out on a thing and I feel like I'm letting him down since I can't be there to support him.

I've ask my mom to take our camera this morning so I could get some action shots of Caleb and his team, not to mention the HOT coaching staff ;-) I can't wait to see some fantastic shots later!

Update: Caleb called and sang to me "We Are the Champions, We Are the Champions!" Then said: Mom, We WON!! I could just hear the huge smile on his face.
Good Job Team Caleb!

Friday, January 23, 2009

New Moon Update

I just found out today that the sequel to Twilight, New Moon, that is currently in the making has offered none other that Dakota Fanning to play the role of Jane. Jane is one of the small but strong vampires in the Italian family.

How EXCITING is this. The radio also said they didn't even ask her to audition for the part they just gave it to her. I love this little girl. She is a wonderful little actress w/ tons of spunk. Can't wait to see it!

Ok, I'm finished rambling about such unimportant things. I just had a moment of excitement, I love these books. I don't know what I'll do when I've read them all and own all the movies :-)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

And the Award Goes To.....

Drum roll please ~~~~~~



The blog I find most interesting and can relate to easily is....


Yes, back at Christina with Sugar Sweet Thoughts who I might add is getting ready to open up her own business w/ computer design. So if you are in need of any good page headers or just need/want to spice up your blog or business web page you need to check her out.

Hope everyone has a great day!!! Till next time, keep your heads held high and thank God for all the blessings in your life.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Oh ya, I Forgot......

5 Things I'm Grateful for, here we go......

First and Foremost is the obvious....CALEB!!!!This little man is my inspiration to be the best person I can be. He is my little buddy, he is fantastic at anything he does, and he melts my heart w/ every smile he sends my way!! You never know how much you can love someone until you have a child. His innocence, his stubbornness, his occasional laziness, his love for others, and his pure focus to succeed at something is completely amazing to me.
I Love You Caleb!

Of course, ranked right up there is the Love of my Life!! Where would I be today without his love and support. I too often just expect him to know how much I love him and need him. I feel that sometimes I short change him of my affection. So today I will be sure to SHOUT OUT to everyone how much he means to me and what a wonderful father he is and will be to all the other little rug rats we may or may not have in the future ;-)

I Love You Honey!

One of my most desired junk foods is Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream Chips!!! Unlike most people, I'm a salt person. I'm crazy for chips!!!! Any kind of course but RCSC are my fav! If I'm in a dumpy mood ice cream and chocolate isn't the first thought. I'd much rather devour a whole bag of chips :-) YUMMY!!!

As a woman, who doesn't love to shop?!? I look so forward to having a day where I have no worries but how much money to reasonably to spend on Caleb and hopefully finding something for my hotty of a husband. I love pampering my family. Making my men look any studlier than they already are can be quite an exhausting task for any woman but for me it's relaxing happiness!!
And finally, I am grateful for the rhythm and words of music. I couldn't make it through one day without music. T.V., no problem! Anymore there isn't anything to really brag about on television. Songs can really speak to me. Every song has different meaning and has the ability to shape or change your mood on any given day.

There you have it........The 5 things I'm most grateful for. The list could go on and on forever. I have so much to be thankful, grateful, and happy about it was hard to narrow it down. As a side note, I want you to know I'm also very GRATEFUL for my family and close friends. Without you my life would be so boring.

Now I think I'm supposed to give the award to someone else so who will it be? I will think about it and get back to you soon w/ the answer :-) Stay tuned......

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

How Sweet, Thanks!

How Exciting!!! I'm finally getting around to excepting a couple of awards given to me by wonderful friends in my life. Thank you so much to Dawn and Christina.

I'm not so good at all this blogging and awarding others yet but in time I'm sure this will change. So for now I'll sit back and appreciate my friends thoughtfulness until they let me know what I should have done already :-)

Thank You for the above award Dawn. I think your pretty awesome too :-)

Must Love Tots

And to my favorite S-I-L, Christina :-)

I think you are the most considerate friend a person could ask for. No matter the circumstance, I know I can always count on you to help pull me through, and the Lord knows, we've had our moments ;-) I don't know what I'd do without you!
Thank You!

Cancer Strikes Again

I found out yesterday that cancer has affected yet another person. Beyond all the people in my life that it has affected in the past that may or may not have conquered this disease, it continues to show its ugly face.

Yesterday I found out that an acquaintance of mine has to battle an invasive form of cancer for the second time. This person is only a few years older than I am. They've already had to successfully beat cancer about 3 years ago. It is so hard to grasp how unmerciful cancer is. It cares not of your age, race, or strength.

I pray everyday for a cure for this horrendous disease that affects so many peoples lives each day. I can only wish that you do the same.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Birthday Momma!!!

Happy 49th Birthday Momma!

I hope today is filled w/ good memories and much deserved pampering :-)

I am so proud of who you are and I Thank God everyday I have you for my mother.

Even with all our trials in life we have so many great times to look back on and laugh about. I know that no matter what YOU are w/ out a doubt my Best Friend and Confidant!!

I Love You w/ all my heart!
Happy Birthday Momma!

Love Always,
Your Little Girl,

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thank You!!

goes out to my Aunt Judy!!!
She found the Celine Dion Biography.
I've been looking for this book at every book store imaginable.

Now for those of you that don't know, I love everything about Celine Dion. I think she is a great person, musician, mother, wife, and idol for a lot of people. She puts her life in the public eye and doesn't care what people think about here.

I know she has a lot to be happy about but I truly love her attitude on life. She refuses to let anything get her down. She was a rock solid partner for her husband when he got cancer. She made sure he didn't get down on life as any spouse would do. She is just so positive and happy all the time even if the chips are down. She went through a long bout of infertility and after years finally prevailed when she had her son Rene' Charles. She never gave up and I completely admire her strength.

I guess she is my idol because she stands tall and proud for who she is. She knows how to handle defeat w/ grace. She knows how to celebrate all the joys life has to give.

I want to be that person. I want to take things w/ a grain of salt. I want to learn how to juggle life better with a full time career. I need to learn to step back, analyze, and conquer my situations instead of jumping the gun and over-reacting. I know with time and patience I will succeed in my journey.

If anyone is interested in Celine feel free to join her fan club at

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sending Hugs

I want to let Dawn know that my thoughts and prayers are w/ her and her family during this rough time. Your mom has been very strong through it all and that strength will always be with her thanks to the support of her family.

I couldn't imagine the emotions that are going through her right now. I know words can't fix or mend the pain but just so she knows we'll be here for here for anything.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Birthday Dawn

I want to send a special birthday greeting to Dawn.

What is this one, 22 again? hehehehe....JK. Just remember, women age like fine wine...we get better w/ time.

I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing and pampered day. You deserve it!

Happy Birthday Girl!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Having Trouble

I would have never thought that dieting would be so hard for me. I was always pretty good at that. I'm very self-conscious of my looks and for whatever reason I'm struggling dearly. I cannot get big!!

I think I need to get some kind of appetite suppressant or something. I can't get control of my eating. I LOVE FOOD!!!! What is wrong w/ me? I've never been this bad. I have no energy to exercise and can't stop eating......UGH......I'm doomed.

I'm heading to the pharmacy after work and checking out some possibilities.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!

Here's to wishing better days and fulfilling happiness to everyone I know. I have a very optimistic feeling that 2009 will be a very happy year for my family. We had some rough obstacles to climb out of in 2008 and succeeded w/ our heads held high.

I know I will grow from all the memories of 2008 and cherish every minute of 2009. I look forward to watching our little boy mature. I know that will be a bitter sweet time because I'm so used to Caleb needing 110% of my time and support. It will be hard to "let him go" but I know w/ some guidance and good parenting he will turn into a very respectful, strong willed, and happy person.

I have 2 resolutions this year and both I feel will make me a better person. My first resolution is (most traditional) loosing weight and getting back into shape. I don't think I've exercised whole heartily in over a year. I've maintained my weight but I can definitely improve on the tone of my body. Secondly and most importantly I plan on being less stressed over things I can't control. I'm such an organizer/planner and hate when things don't turn out as planned. But I am going to work on taking a deep breath and letting things roll off my shoulder. Just because someone doesn't feel the same way I do or something doesn't go as I planned doesn't mean it's wrong, everyone is allowed to there own opinion and my life is too good to worry about other peoples foolishness. I should enjoy every minute that God has allowed me to make memories w/ my family and friends.

I wish everyone luck and strength w/ all there resolutions and I hope that I can grow from mine.

Here's to a Happy, Healthy, and Fulfilling New Year!
Welcome 2009