5 Things I'm Grateful for, here we go......
First and Foremost is the obvious....CALEB!!!!This little man is my inspiration to be the best person I can be. He is my little buddy, he is fantastic at anything he does, and he melts my heart w/ every smile he sends my way!! You never know how much you can love someone until you have a child. His innocence, his stubbornness, his occasional laziness, his love for others, and his pure focus to succeed at something is completely amazing to me.
I Love You Caleb!
Of course, ranked right up there is the Love of my Life!! Where would I be today without his love and support. I too often just expect him to know how much I love him and need him. I feel that sometimes I short change him of my affection. So today I will be sure to SHOUT OUT to everyone how much he means to me and what a wonderful father he is and will be to all the other little rug rats we may or may not have in the future ;-)
I Love You Honey!
One of my most desired junk foods is Ruffles Cheddar and Sour Cream Chips!!! Unlike most people, I'm a salt person. I'm crazy for chips!!!! Any kind of course but RCSC are my fav! If I'm in a dumpy mood ice cream and chocolate isn't the first thought. I'd much rather devour a whole bag of chips :-) YUMMY!!!
As a woman, who doesn't love to shop?!? I look so forward to having a day where I have no worries but how much money to reasonably to spend on Caleb and hopefully finding something for my hotty of a husband. I love pampering my family. Making my men look any studlier than they already are can be quite an exhausting task for any woman but for me it's relaxing happiness!!
And finally, I am grateful for the rhythm and words of music. I couldn't make it through one day without music. T.V., no problem! Anymore there isn't anything to really brag about on television. Songs can really speak to me. Every song has different meaning and has the ability to shape or change your mood on any given day.
There you have it........The 5 things I'm most grateful for. The list could go on and on forever. I have so much to be thankful, grateful, and happy about it was hard to narrow it down. As a side note, I want you to know I'm also very GRATEFUL for my family and close friends. Without you my life would be so boring.
Now I think I'm supposed to give the award to someone else so who will it be? I will think about it and get back to you soon w/ the answer :-) Stay tuned......