I want to say Thank You to everyone for all your sweet comments and especially those who have taken the time to send us cards.
We really appreciate all the kind words and support. We have been wanting this little edition for our family for quite some time now. It's wonderful to know we have great friends and family that will be with us every step of the way!
I plan on updating everyone often. So often you'll probably get tired of my proud momma moments. So I'll just say sorry now to everyone for being annoying.
Everything is going great!! Tomorrow we will hit our 13 week point w/ just 1 more week before gliding into our 2nd Trimester. Can you believe how fast time flies? I want this to last forever, we tried too long and too hard for it to be over so quickly.
I luckily haven't gained ANY weight yet. Caleb even looked at me this morning after I got dressed for work and said "Mom, you don't even look fat yet." I had to laugh so hard because all who know Caleb he is the sweetest however the most crucially honest little man you'll ever meet. If I were to ask him if I looked fat in something, he would tell me with no uncertainty in his voice, YES!! if that were the case. I so respect that of him. On the flip side he lets me know when I'm "One Hot Momma" too. He is just my little companion.
I am fearing that in the 2nd Trimester I will gain a ton of weight. Matt was a big baby 8-9lbs. Caleb was only 7lbs 12oz and he was very hard to push out. I was only 6-7lbs. I'm petrified that this baby will be at least 8 1/2 lbs and I'm going to struggle carrying and pushing out.
Now that you know our weights, what do you think our baby will weigh at delivery? I am interested to know what everyones thoughts are on this. I think it would give my family some good conversations and possibly some good laughs.
Let me know what your thinking :-) Don't scare me too much!
El Terremoto de Lisboa y el Juicio de los Távora
4 months ago