Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New room complete!!!

Finally after over a month and a half our basement room is complete! How exciting!!! Everything is set up and ready to go.

There were many hours of hard labor put into this investment and with some help from family and friends this mission is accomplished.

The room is perfect. It's just a little different having to go downstairs to use the computer now. That will just take a little getting used to. However, it sure is peaceful. The perfect thing for an office. I'm sure Caleb will be using the heck out of it in a few more years for research paper, reports, ect.

Now we are off to do some carpet shopping for the baby's room. Then decorations and all necessities for "Blueberry". This is when it's going to get exciting for me.

So in the end we would like to send a HUGE thank you out to the following helpers: Tom, Tommy, Chris, Nate, & Jason. If it wasn't for all of your help, Matt would still be burning his candle at both ends for quite a while longer.

Honey, I've said it before but I'll say it again. You are unbelievably talented in the construction world. You never cease to amaze me with your knowledge. Your a hard worker and always put family first. Thank you for all you do for us.

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