Monday, March 16, 2009

My Little Man

You know there are just some days your children really brighten your day with their thoughtfulness for others. Something that we, as adults, may take for granted on a daily basis, unintentionally.

Well this weekend, Matt went with my dad to help remove a washer and dryer out of my grandma's house so the Menards people could install her new ones today. So this left Caleb and I at home and it makes me very happy that he wanted to stay home with me so I thought why not take him to McDonald's to eat lunch and just hang out. He still has that $5 G.C. his Grandma Susan and Grandpa Tom got him for Valentine's Day. I thought this would be a great opportunity for us to get out of the house and hang out a bit.

I suggest my thoughts on the afternoon and to my serious surprise....

Caleb says:
No thanks mom, I rather stay here at home and eat something.
Really?!? Why not?
Ya know mom, Mrs. Pruemer at school told me something I think is very important.
Oh ya Caleb, What might that be?
She said that if you have a day off you shouldn't go out and make someone else wait on you.
You really feel this way Caleb?
Ya mom, I just want to stay home and eat here. Then I want to play some basketball with you.
OK Caleb, how's a bologna sandwich sound with some chips.
Sounds good mom.

Now I can't say that he will feel this way the next time I ask him if he wants McDonald's however I will remember this past Sunday always in my heart. Knowing that my son is very thoughtful and compassionate towards others I know Matt and I haven't failed as parents. Plus I know he's learning something at school.....LOL!

I'm a lucky mom!


Christina said...

OMGosh! He's so grown up and mature! :-) You and Matt are doing a terrific job!

Dawn said...

That is SO cute! And very adult of him.