Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy Birthday Honey!

Sending out a special Birthday Wish to my loving husband, Matt. He has finally caught back up to me in age. He is always giving me a hard time about me being older than him since my birthday is a few weeks before his. Well honey, as you should know, I don't consider myself old just quite a bit really =)

Yesterday was officially his birthday so Caleb and I decided we would make his favorite dessert, banana cream pie, instead of buying a cake we won't eat. We made the whole pie from scratch w/ a little help from JELL-O instant pudding mix. Then decided to make spaghetti for dinner. It was very enjoyable, my dad even came over for the celebration.

Oh where the years have gone. I remember first meeting Matt my freshman year in high school in Mrs. Pruemer's English class at the ripe old age of 15. Those were the innocent years when we never thought about getting old. Not to mention the fact that we were invincible. Now all we think about is adding another year on. Now instead of every weekend planning parties with our friends we are planning family time or scheduling dinner plans. The funny thing about this is it's perfect to me. I couldn't live without my family. I know I'm getting older now.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY, I hope you had a great day!!!

Friday, December 26, 2008

I love Comments

I know there are a few people other than Christina & Dawn (thanks girls) that read my blog. I know this because I sort of kind of track it. Plus this morning I had an email from someone who said they read my blog and wanted me to check theirs out. Well I did, buuuutttt, I couldn't read a lick of it. I'm not even sure where they were from. It was a nice blog set up but that's all the further I got.

Now, I'm just worried about identity theft. Weird huh?!? I'm just not to computer literate and afraid that by opening up that email msg then I let some crazy person in on a lot of personal information. I know I'm crazy. Did I screw up by opening that email msg about my blog?

Anyway, what I'm getting at is, if you stop by my blog please let me know by leaving a comment if you have one. I love to hear other people's opinions on some of my moments, the good and the not so good :-)

Thanks for understanding, Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Christmas Madness Starts Today

Today is the beginning of my families Christmas Madness!! From this point till Sunday evening we will be rushing around getting ready for each of our families Christmas'. I wish I could plan on spending more time w/ just Matt and Caleb. Does this feeling make me a selfish person? I just don't feel, though we are together through all the family Christmas', that we get to celebrate Christmas "together". We are always looking at the clock making sure we allow ourselves to get to the next event. Where is the Christmas cheer in that?

Here's the list of Christmas events for us this year:
1st, Christmas Eve: My mom and dad's
2nd, Christmas Day: Our house in the morning
Tom & Sue's (for immediate family) by 11:30-12pm
My Gma Millie's (for my dad's side) by 5-5:30pm
3rd, Dec.26th: Back to Tom and Sue's (for Tom's side)
4th, Dec.27th: Matt's cousin Lucy is having a Christmas Wedding
5th, Dec.28th: Over to Angie & Joe's (for Susan's side) at 12pm

Oh, did I mention that I work on Christmas Eve till noon and the 26th from 7:30-5:30pm. Seems like there's no time to breath let alone time to enjoy the holidays when your constantly on the go.

This may not seem like a lot to everyone else but for me, who before I got married, had only 2 Christmas' to attend throughout all my youth years. So this is still a huge adjustment for me. I know you would think after 6 years of this I'd be used to it, but it just seems to get more hard for me as the years go on but I keep smiling and moving through the motions.

Not only do I have a problem w/ being on the go but I feel that Caleb doesn't get to enjoy any of his gifts from Santa because once he unwraps them he's bounced to another location. Christmas is about the children and watching there eyes light up with excitement with every gift they open. How can any appreciation or satisfaction be shown when your just too busy to enjoy everything?

Wish me luck through this busy Christmas Season that I keep my sanity. Merry Christmas everyone!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Winter Wonderland

The cold Christmas snow, rain, and ice has finally struck Effingham. I sit here worrying about all the travelers on the road to make it home for the holidays. I'm such a worry wart about things I can't control. I won't feel good until I hear they've made it.

The ones worrying me the most are my kid sisters, 2 coming from Chicago (Jennifer & Elizabeth)and 1 coming from Champaign (Alicia) . I'm also concerned w/ my my B-I-L and S-I-L, Chris and Christina, and my sweet little nephew Calvin who are traveling south to see Mickey and Minnie for Christmas. I'm still waiting for the word on there safe arrival to Walt Disney World :-)

I hope everyone is careful w/ there travels and please wear your seat belts. Can't wait to see you all soon.

Monday, December 22, 2008

My Baby Turned 10 Today.

I think today was possibly the hardest day for me when it came to my son, Caleb. How did the time manage to slip away so quickly? I can't believe my little baby turned double digits today! He is supposed to stay little forever. Isn't there a contract for that? If not I need to figure out how to have a contract made :-)

He is just growing up so fast before my eyes. He is so independent now. He enjoys doing certain things other than just hanging out w/ me now, such as; Playing w/ his friends, hunting, going to any sporting event possible w/ whoever will take him, he's grown into a mighty hunter in training, and most of all he is starting to separate himself from us at all cost. Am I not "cool" anymore? How can you stand to hang out w/ your friends more than me :-)

He is a very sweet natured, loving, and thoughtful boy w/ an adventurous and mischievous side. He knows how to play mom and dad against each other, what child doesn't. But in his rougher times he knows who to come to if he really needs a warm word of advice - ME.....LOL! (Who else would it be)
So I guess I'm not necessarily loosing my little boy completely but watching his transformation from my little baby boy into a young man has my heart torn with emotion.

I hope to never loose momma's little boy. No matter what I hope you always know how much your father and I LOVE you. Your my little buddy, personal stylist, and confidant. I'm pretty sure I count on you as much as you count on me. I know in years to come that may all change, but for now I'm holding on w/ dear life to every moment we are lucky enough to share. I hope you've had a wonderful 10th Birthday filled w/ much love and memories.

Oh ya, don't ever forget: It doesn't matter how old you are, you'll always be my little baby boy.

Love Always,



I would also like to take this time to send a Happy Birthday cheer to my kid sister for she and my little man share the same Birthday. How sweet is that, right!?!

Happy Birthday Jen!!!!! Hope you had a great day!

Friday, December 19, 2008

They're Coming Home :-)

Well, mom and dad are finally coming home today from there wonderful, well deserved trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica. Mom has been checking in periodically to let me know how much fun they were having together. It's so nice to hear her so happy!

I can't wait to see them tonight, I don't think there going to be getting home till about 8pm if the weather is cooperative. I think I'll surprise them and be there when they get home and help them unpack and settle back in to the "Real World" of Illinois cold :-)


Mom & Dad,
I'm so glad you enjoyed yourselves in the sunny land of "NO Problem Mon". However, I also am so very happy your coming home because I've missed you terribly! I lost the ones I can always turn to in a pinch for a whole week ~ I never knew how much I really need you!


Wanting to take a minute and let a friend of mine know I'm thinking of her on a difficult day. No words can heal, only time will help, but a shoulder to cry on is always near.


For all my passer by's:
Please say a quick prayer for my friend and anyone else who may be having a hard time this Christmas Season.
God Bless & Merry Christmas!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Havin a Blast

My momma called me at 8:17 this morning. Yaaa, it was so nice to hear from her. The sayings "Absence makes the heart grow fonder" or "You don't know what you got till its gone" are 100% true statements.

It was great to hear that my parents are actually ENJOYING there time away together! They both have gone snorkeling, mom said dad drank half the ocean, but they enjoyed it and would do it again. Yesterday they went to Dunn's River Falls and climbed it, what an accomplishment for my parents =) My mom and aunt went on the paddle boats too. Mom said she was interested in wind surfing today if the weather held up, she said it was in the 80's there and sunny - we can only dream of that weather now.

I have just one request: Bring some sunshine home w/ you on Friday =)

Monday, December 15, 2008

Thinking of my Sis

Just sitting here thinking of my kid sister on a cold winter night. I just wish we were closer in age so we could appreciate the same things in life. Having an eight year difference in age really can challenge a sibling relationship.

I've always loved my kid sister but as normal we don't always see eye to eye. I just want to learn how to work together instead of always butting heads w/ each other. There is no doubt that we both have love for one another but our lives are just so different. Why do I have such a hard time relating to her? Am I a really difficult person? I find myself questioning this situation a lot. I don't know how to fix it & trust me I'm a fixer. I know I'm partially to blame for this situation but our attitudes on life are linear opposite. I'm more plan, plan, plan and she is more relax and let things happen. How do you fix such different personalities?

I know at this point in our lives we need to figure something out, but how? Any opinions? It's the Christmas season, the time to show our love for one another and to appreciate all God has given us? I have a ton to be thankful for and she is one of the biggest gifts in my life. I want to know how I can reach out to her and start over from any sadness I may have caused her or any times of doubtfulness I may have led her to think of herself.

Jennifer, you are a wonderful person!! No matter what situation may happen between us always know that I love you w/ all my heart. I would never intentionally hurt you and I know the same goes for you. May the days to come embrace our characters to prove to each other that life is good and being unhappy gets us nowhere.

We are strong individuals who both have a mind of our own and we both need to work on the fact that we are NOT always right! You win some, you lose some, but no matter what, your a better person because of every experience you have in life.
Always know,

Christina, I did it!!!!

I know that most people will think I'm a weird-o for getting so excited about something that probably comes so easy to most but I did it and I'm so proud of myself!

Anyone who knows me knows I'm pretty computer illiterate. If I can't figure something out I just call my brilliant, computer savvy S-I-L, Christina. Well tonight I figured out all by myself how to download songs and put them on my blog!! Cool right?!? I didn't even have to call Christina w/ the usual technical help, I'm so excited and proud of myself.

OK, enough gloating on myself I just wanted to share my happiness w/ everyone else who might find this blog humorous =)

Thank You Gma Sue =)

Thank you for the sweater Grandma Sue. I really appreciated it! That was a very sweet thought. I plan on wearing it for Christmas Day.

Love Always,

Shout Out!!!

I want to send a Shout Out to my S-I-L, Christina. Your the best!!!

She and my very handsome nephew Calvin brought over a cute Christmas box filled w/ all kinds of yummy surprises =) You and your friends did an excellent job on the Christmas Candy this year, as always ;-)

Thanks again for your Christmas wishes, they are very much appreciated.

Friday, December 12, 2008

They Made It!!

Jamaica Bound and Free!

My mom and dad and my aunt and uncle have landed in the beautiful, warm, and sunny Jamaica this afternoon. I'm so jealous =)

My mom and dad have been married for 25 years and haven't been out of the U.S. once. My dad has never been on a plane before. Furthermore, he's barely been out of Illinois. I think he's been as far as Florida - ONCE. So we were a little worried he might get butterflies upon entering the plane and chicken out.

Well he did great! No problems through the flight and they are well on their way to a Fun and Worry Free Week in the land of "NO Problem Man" Jamaica.

I hope they take a lot of pictures so they can prove they were really there =) Wish you the best, be careful, and most of all - HAVE A BLAST!!!

On to #2 - NEW MOON

Well I'm ready for book #2 - New Moon. I'm so excited!

I've been so busy at work today that I haven't had a chance to open the book. I will however get started this evening. The way the last book left off I have to find out how Edwards family feels about Bella now.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Secret Santa?!?

I want to thank whoever it was that dropped a sweater, placed in a holiday bag, w/ red tissue paper on top, off at our home this afternoon. Unfortunately I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do w/ it. Is it for him for Christmas, his Birthday, or just because? When should I give it to him? It's a really cute sweater that would be great for Christmas pix. So whomever this Secret Santa is please let me know what I'm supposed to do.

If I don't hear from anyone by next Friday I'll just go ahead and give it to him as an extra birthday gift. This way he'll have it washed and available for our family Christmas'.

Again, A Big Thank You to whomever you are!!! You have great taste =)

I'm getting old

In my past 32 years of life I have never been able to drink coffee. It would make me really jittery and then sick to my stomach. I never knew why it made me feel this way but it did therefore I never drank it. I absolutely LOVE the smell of coffee so it made it very frustrating to not be able to drink it. So to deal w/ cold weather I always stuck w/ my hot chocolate.

On Tuesday I didn't have time for my hot chocolate run and I was freezing at work. Even w/ my space heater on I couldn't get warm. So I thought I would try coffee one more time. It was actually good to me. Yes, I had to put two packets of sugar and one packet of creamer in it but who's counting that? It tasted good to me and it didn't make me jittery or sick. Wow, was this really it? I can drink coffee?

My new theory on it is: I'm getting old!!!!

Yaaa, I did it!!

I finally got the book TWILIGHT read. All 500 some pages. For me, this is a major accomplishment because I hate to read. I'd much rather watch a movie if I had any down time available.

Talk about a great book. Yes, the movie was very good but this book was great. It went into so much more detail and filled you in on a lot that the movie left out. I was very impressed w/ all the good details on each character and the showing of how much one family would do to help someone they loved! Ahhh, definitely a chick thing.

I want to send a big Shout Out to my friend Dawn :-) Thank you for introducing me to the series of books. Now I'm addicted and even though I asked for the New Moon for Christmas I'm not going to be able to wait. I'm going to get it tonight while I'm out. The sneak peak at the end of Twilight leaves you hanging at such a dramatic point......OMG.....I'm hooked!!

Well, I'm off on my next adventure......till next time....

Monday, December 8, 2008

Happy Birthday to ME!!

Well, another year is gone and so much to look back on.

I had a wonderful birthday today. To start my day off I walked into work and found an apple fritter (my favorite doughnut) on my desk w/ a lit candle in the center and my boss sang his version of Happy Birthday. Let's just say it was the version about a monkey, haha.

Then about an hour and a half my delightful mother surprised me w/ a plate full of her famous, melt in your mouth, buttery, delicious pancakes. Your the best mom!! She then stayed to visit for about an hour. While she was there I had a beautiful surprise of flowers delivered to me from Martin's IGA. One bouquet was from my sweet, sweet son, Caleb. The other was from my momma. It really put a smile on my face.

Then my friends Mark and Janet and their daughter Jenny took me out to TGIFridays for lunch....I know your thinking how could I eat so much right.....I like food. I tried something different, Cajun Chicken and Shrimp Pasta w/ Alfredo sauce and red peppers....mmmmm. Lunch was great until we were ready to leave and Janet conveniently reminded our waitress that it was my BIRTHDAY!! So of course they brought out some yummy ice-cream w/ chocolate and Carmel syrup on it and then sang their famous song. Oh the memories.

Then after work my hubby took me out to Puerta Vallerta and had a good meal, where my sweet, sweet son had to let them know it was my birthday and yes, they sang to me there too. I think he did it just for the desert since I was full.

After this long fabulous day we got home and there was one more gift to open from Matthew. As I opened it and read the box I was so excited!!! It was something I've been wanting for a long time now and didn't expect to get for my birthday, maybe Christmas, but not my birthday! I got my CANON Powershot SD890 IS!!!!! I ripped it open and started taking pix of everything; Caleb, my mom, Matt, my cat, the living room - I think you can get my excitement now. Honey your the best! This camera is amazing!!!! Now I can take pix up a storm at all our Christmas get togethers, yaaaa!!! Look out everyone.

Thank you to everyone that called, text, emailed me, and stopped by today. You have all made my day! I haven't been one to be very excited about birthdays in the past few years, it seems to be just another day. However, today was absolutely wonderful and yes, IT WAS ALL ABOUT ME! Everyone who cares about me let me know one way or another and that melts my heart. I have a lot of good people surrounding my life. Thank you all again!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Thoughts for me!

Well as of today I'm a widow till Sunday. Deer Season has struck again. I've got a lot going on this week and emotions are running high. Anymore lately that's all I am, a big pile of blubery emotions. Tears, sobs, and sleepless nights.

I usually love deer season. I have the house to myself for my good quality Me time. This year is soo different for me though, why? Anyone who knows me probably knows why. I try so hard to be strong on the outside and carry a positive attitude, but this season it's really difficult to do without my husband. I've never been this needy before and I hope it doesn't last long. I know I'll make it through. I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm just not a quiter. I will prevail in what I'm working so hard for. I have nothing but happy thoughts now for a wonderful future.

Good Luck Honey!! Hope you find you BIG Buck!

Here's to my HAPPY THOUGHTS!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Movie of the Year!!! A MUST SEE!!!

On Friday, November 21st at 9:45pm, I met up w/ Christina, Dawn, and Candy to watch The Movie of the Year - TWILIGHT.

This movie is unbelievable. It's only rated PG-13 so you know it's not like the other vampire movies out there - gory and sexy. It was a romantic/comedy/drama. A really great combination if you ask me.

This movie intrigued me so much I had to go and buy the book. Now I just started yesterday evening and I'm already on chapter 3. This may not sound like much for some readers, but for me this is a big deal. I'm not a reader, I don't have the time. For this book I'm making the time and it works out good because it's easier for Caleb to have his reading time since I'm reading too.

Well, I'm off to read some more. If you haven't seen this movie I highly recommend it. Who doesn't love Romance and Sincerity? Edward is every girls dream even if he is a Vampire.

BTW.....Thank you Dawn for purchasing the tix early. The invite was very much appreciated girls :-)

Friday, November 21, 2008

I remember when....

I remember when my beautiful & healthy son, Caleb, was born on December 22nd 1998 @6:15 pm in Danville, IL.

Caleb has been the inspiration to my life. I don't know where I would be today without him. He is my reason everyday to get up and take care of my responsibilities. He brings me joy, laughter, and a few (small) hard times. There is nothing I wouldn't do for him.

Caleb was born on my little sister, Jennifer, birthday. She just turned 14 that day. I still to this day don't know if she was happy or maybe a little disappointed in sharing her birthday with him. My birthday is exactly two weeks before hers (theirs) and we always had our parties together since there seemed to be so much going on in December. It was just easier for our parents. I never really cared because I was eight years older and had a few birthday to myself. She had to share her day w/ me then & now because of me she has to always and forever share her birthday w/ her nephew. I know she loves him dearly and he can't live w/ out her. Maybe in the end it will help them be inseparable.

Where does the time go? Once so tiny and helpless and now such a little big man and very strong hearted. I love you Caleb w/ all my heart and soul!

Love Always,
Your Momma

On my own for the weekend.

Well, it's that time of year again. Time for the men in my house to go off for the weekend and look for Bambi's dad. It's something that Matt and Caleb have been looking forward to for about 2 1/2 months now. They (well really just Matt) put in many long hours putting together "huts" to set up out at deer camp this year. I mean these things are nice. They have windows on both sides and the front. They have equip them w/ plastic tubs filled w/ pillows and blankets. They've also brought in the must have: Office Chairs on rollers! That's roughin' it if you ask me ;-)
Matt says he helped make these huts so it would be easier for the little ones that go out there to assist there dad's. I agree w/ him to an extent but I know he will by far appreciate it more than the little ones will since he's been dealing w/ the bitter cold of deer season for so many years. All they need now are little space heaters and they'll be at the top of there hunting comfort level. We'll see what Santa thinks about that.


Yesterday I had the day off and spent it just laying around our house. Granted, there was a lot of house cleaning and many loads of laundry that I should have done but I was very lazy. I decided that laying down, watching television and cuddling w/ my kitties sounded a whole lot better. I don't get to watch a whole lot of T.V. because I'm always so busy. While flipping through the channels I realized why I don't watch a lot of T.V., even if I had the time. There's nothing on!
After channel surfing for awhile I figured there couldn't be a better time to pop in a DVD. So I did.

First movie out: How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. It's an all time favorite of mine and I can probably recite it word for word. Anyway, it's a great love story. I might also add the actor/actress' are not bad on the eyes ;-) You should check it out if you haven't alread done so, it's an older movie.

Second movie later that evening was: Untraceable w/ Diane Lane.

Now I'm not a lover of scary movies but this movie had it all; drama, action, suspense, and yes a little scare too. I had to close my eyes at a couple of moments but for the most part this movie is very good. I would recommend it to other, wait, that's what I'm doing.....LOL!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

FAMILY: What would life be like?

Do you ever just feel like barricading yourself in your house and secluding yourself from family drama? Well I do sometimes, and today is one of them. I would love to give some people a piece of my mind.

I'm not saying in any sense of the fashion that I always do everything right but I know when I go to bed at night I have done my best to help anyone who needs it. I'm a giver not a taker. When I am wrong, I do my best to fix my mistake.

I get so sick of being the nice guy. So tired of doing the right thing. So tired of always being the bigger person. I'm only human and my skin is only so deep.

That saying "The straw that broke the camel's back". Ya that has huge meaning to me when it comes to one certain unnamed family member. You know who you are and I'm tired of your inconsideration to everyone in the family. I think just maybe once you should step up and be a responsible person.

It doesn't matter what your background in life looks like. At some point you have to WANT to better yourself as a whole; as a mom, as a friend, as a wife, as a daughter, as everything. I know I've had my ups and downs in life, who hasn't. You just have to learn from the mistakes and grow from the good times. That's life....get used it!! Your not a child anymore your an adult w/ children, START ACTING LIKE IT! You shouldn't expect everyone else to still take care of you and your family. We have our own to take care of!


Now that I've said my piece I feel a lot better. I still haven't decided what I'm going to do w/ my current situation but I have a little time to determine my options.

Oh Happy Days :-)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Winter Sore Throat/Cough has finally hit me.

I was just thinking last week how my health was going great. I felt fine; no sniffles, coughs, stomach aches, ect. The reason being, both Matt and Caleb have been a little under the weather in the past weeks and I stayed healthy. Shocking!! Caleb has had the sniffles for about 3-4 weeks and just can't shake it. He's not feeling bad, he still has all the energy and maybe a little more than an average 9 year old. That's just Caleb, nothing gets him down. My easiest way to know he's sick is when he barely moves. Matt had a scratchy throat a couple of weeks ago but went away quickly so we thought nothing of it.

Now, starting Sunday late evening, I couldn't get my throat moist no matter how much water I drank. I knew at this point something was up. Low and behold Monday morning I could NOT get out of bed. I was so tired and weak. My throat was a little sore. My eyes even hurt. Finally, I rolled out of bed at 6:30 & got ready for work. Today was even worse I didn't stir out of bed till 6:42.....UGH!

Once I'm up moving around I feel a little better but nowhere near a 100%. I would almost rather a stomach flu over what I have. With my profession I have to talk A LOT and having a hoarse voice is a big problem. Luckily my work is very easy going and doesn't mind how I sound their just glad I made it to work ;-)

Well, hopefully soon I start feeling better instead of worse. The men in my life are going to be gone from Thursday to Sunday deer hunting. Let me tell you how excited they are too! Plus my parents are both going to be out of town this weekend to visit my sister in Chicago. So needless to say, on top of everything else this week, I hope I'm feeling better.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Which is your Favorite?

Just sitting here bored at work eating some Starburst. As I was eating I recalled a time where a friend of mine called strange for choosing the yellow ones as my favorite over the pink ones. I don't know why I like the yellow ones, I'm not much for anything lemony even lemonade.

So I was just curious, am I strange for enjoying the yellow ones more than any others? I want to know what everyone elses thoughts are, how strange am I?


A big THANK YOU to my S-I-L, Christina!! She help me get more "blogger inclined". I was wanting to start following other bloggers and stretch my wings into the blogger lifestyle a little better and thanks to her I am surfing it now w/out a glitch. I was tired of just blogging and that was it. I look forward to introducing myself to the Blogging World.

Feel free to comment on my many bad days and horrible mood swings. I do have a lot of good days in there too.....LOL!

Thanks Christina, I don't know what I'd do w/out you ;-)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

My new purse

After a year of loving my 1st ever "Coach" purse I had to retire it due to raggedness. I'm very excited to share my new "Coach" bag. It's colorful and different. It's a little deeper than I'm used to but I think I'll adjust to it well. I also got a new flat wallet. I've been wanting one for a while now but never found one I really liked in the stores.

I want to thank all my family and friends for stopping by and making my 2nd Annual Purse Party a complete success. I look forward to next years show.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Just a little Frazzled

TGIF, that's the first thing I need to say! Secondly, Calgon take me away!!

Stress, Stress and more STRESS! Home, work, friends, & family are all on my stress list. This has been building since Monday and I'm about to blow!

I hope by next Monday thing will start tapering down. I sometimes take too much on my plate and have no one to blame but myself. I keep telling myself to slow down w/ all the above and I try but in the end I resort back to my usual ways.

I keep thinking that in the next few years when Caleb is in Jr. High and High School I'll only need to work part time if any at all. Then I'll have all the time in the world. Ya Right?!?!

From this point today on I look forward to having a rather large stiff drink, taking nice hot shower, and going to bed!!

Here's to better days ahead!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

That's Our Boy

Caleb got an A on his Math test this week!! Way to go on Caleb!!! All your hard work has finally paid off. Your dad and I couldn't be more proud of you! You need to keep up the good work and keep studying hard. We'll be here to help you every step of the way.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We Thank You!!

I want to take a moment and Thank ALL of our Veterans for there commitment, courage, and most of all, honor. You put forth all you have for our country w/ out argument or hesitation. You do what many Americans can't because of fear. I know I'm not physically or mentally strong enough for your duties.
You have given us the opportunity to live happy and safe lives and for our children to dream big.

You are HERO'S to all of us!!
God Bless You & Your Families!
This Blog is dedicated to my S-I-L, Christina Ordner
Thank You for all your sacrifices while enlisted in our
United States Air Force and Thanks for all you do for me!
Job well Done!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lazy Weekend

This weekend was so nice. After the week I had I was ready for a little R&R. It was probably the most relaxing time I've had in, well, years. I mean seriously, I didn't even get out of my PJ's till 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon!!! I haven't done that since I was 10 years old!

Saturday night my husband and I went out to the Hilton for a fabulous dinner while listening to there pianist who is very good. I don't know what it is about a piano but it makes everything for me so much more romantic. After dinner we headed to a new bar in town called The Office. It was nice but to me it's in a terrible location and we found ourselves "sneaking" out the back door instead of walking out front where we would be more obvious to the cops. DUI's are not needed in our future. We then shot off to the mall to watch a movie called Role Models. This is a predictable movie but the two little boys in it were hilarious!! There is just something about a little guy using profanity and acting all tough. Of course, not if it's my son. There's not enough soap in the world if it were my child or any niece or nephew of mine, but in this movie it was stinkin funny! When the movie was over it was 11pm and we decided to head up to Daddy Rabbits who had a band playing and there was no cover charge which was nice. After sitting in there and listening to them I understood more of why there was no cover charge. There lead singer wasn't the best I've ever heard but the musical part of the band was good. Unfortunately, they both have to work for a band to be good. It was so nice to see a lot of our friends and acquaintances since we hardly ever get out anymore. Once we closed down Daddy's we went home where we threw darts and continued to enjoy our anniversary until 3 in the morning. What an eventful night. It was great to just spend QT w/ my husband w/ out rushing here or there.

Sunday, we slept in until 9:30 am and then got up and started on the end to our lazy weekend. Caleb wasn't ready to come home from his Meema and Papa's quite that early so I left it to there discretion to call me when they were ready to send him packing. At this point Matt and I went our separate ways in the house. I stole the living room T.V. before Matt could say a word. He then went upstairs to watch his beloved sporting events. Needless to say, we just layed around being lazy for once. Matt did make me feel a little guilty when he started some laundry but that quickly expired as I started watching the rest of my movie.

Later, we picked up our Aunt Judy to take her out for her birthday, which was last Wednesday, November 5th. She was wanting to go see Matt Passalaqua (sp) play at the Rose Bud Theatre. It was a really nice time and the proceeds went to Unit 40 for various educational things. Those boys are such generous people and very entertaining for the young and the old. Caleb had a great time too.

What a wonderful weekend! I couldn't have asked for a more fun but relaxing time. I look forward to it again soon....right!?!?!?!

PURSE PARTY 11-15-08

Just wanting everyone that reads my blog to know that I'm having my 2nd Annual Purse Party this Saturday afternoon at my home at 12:30pm.
I have Kim from Bloomington, IL come in and show off her HUGE selection of different "knock off" brands such as Gucci, Kate Spade, and my most favorite Coach. If you love purses and wallets my show is what you need!! Kim is extremely easy to deal with. She doesn't push anything of on anyone or try and oversell. Just come and see what she has to offer.

Everyone that knows me, knows where I live or how to get in touch w/ me w/ any questions. The show will go on until 2pm. It's on a 1st come 1st serve basis and trust me, all the good stuff goes quick!

Hope to see everyone there and bring a friend. Hope all is well and if it isn't, IT WILL GET BETTER - TRUST ME!

Happy 5th Anniversary Honey!

Wow, where has the time gone. It seems like just yesterday we were standing in the front of St. Francis Church saying our vows to one another in front of God and everyone.

I still look back and smile on how we made it work this time. So many years of trying and not making it work due to, well shall we say, "differences of opinion". Of course we know will always know who was right and who was wrong in all those situations....LOL!!!!

I'm so grateful that the good Lord above had these plans for us all along. He never gave up on our Love for one another, and thankfully neither did we. I'm so blessed to have you in my life. You make me a better person. I can't see my life w/out you, EVER! Thank you for being my Knight in Shining Armor and our son's biggest idol. Thanks for the last 5 years of wedded bliss, limited drama and for all the love you show me everyday.

Love you Always and Forever,

Your Wife,


Thursday, November 6, 2008


Well tonight is awfully quiet at the Ordner household. Caleb has been in bed for a while now and my husband went to a friends house to watch a "must see" football game - Bronco's & Brown's.

I sit here sad to be alone. I had a really bad day and my evening isn't any better. The only things to help me aren't available. I thought that scheduling a hair color and cut would help drown my bad day, but I was wrong. I'm just so stressed out again. How did this happen? I did so well and was on cloud nine for a few weeks now and all the sudden just fell face first into quick sand. I'm irritable, sad, happy, sad, cranky, tearful, sad, and overwhelmed w/ life? Too many questions unanswered, too much heartache and pain. I can't help but cry. What's wrong w/ me?

Is it OK or normal to just sit in a room and cry miserably? How can I fix me? I feel broken again. The worst part of everything is I can't talk to my husband even if he was home. I don't want to burden him w/ my rough times. They happen so often anymore. He has to be getting frustrated w/ them. Does he really understand how I feel or just say he does because he feels it will help me? I don't feel he can fix my emotions. Men don't like crying, it makes them uncomfortable. I just feel like sitting in a dark room by myself listening to my favorite artist and crying my eyes out until I fall asleep.

My life is good, don't get me wrong. I don't want any pity from anyone. I'm just having a really tough go at a couple of things in my life this year and I'm having a hard time dealing w/ it. I used to see myself as a relatively strong woman. Anymore, I feel like a puppet in someone else world. I know I have so much to be grateful for but there just something missing. Something I have no control over and will never have any control over. Let me tell you how hard that is for a control freak!

One thing is for sure, no matter what I have one beautiful, healthy & happy little boy that brings overwhelming joy to my heart. He is growing up so fast I'm afraid he won't need me one day the way I need him. I depend on him. However, until that day he will, unknowingly, help me get through each day of this darkness I'm in. When he is with me I'm happier and everything about my day is manageable.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Emotionless & Numb

I've never been more disappointed in an election, EVER! What is America thinking. I'm so upset I'm nauseous! I hate to think where our country is headed. Let me tell you, if you think times are getting tough now, CONGRATULATIONS AMERICA, you just elected our national downfall of overwhelming inexperience for President of the United States. I'm sick!!

Within the next 4 years don't be shocked when I tell all of you uninformed Obama followers ~ I told you so!

Now I'll go take some Tylenol PM to help aid my uncomfortable evening.....UGH!!!

What an Experience!!!

Well, today is Election Day 2008. I hope everyone got out there and cast their votes! No matter who you vote for it's very important that your opinion is heard (but hopefully you voted for John McCain).

This election will probably be my most memorable one yet. Let it be known that I'm voting REPUBLICAN this year. I got up and got ready to go vote this morning and since it's election day I thought wearing my OBUMMER shirt to show my McCain/Palin support was appropriate. Boy was I wrong. I got attacked verbally as soon as I walked in the door. They said my shirt could be considered "campaigning". They gave me an option to got in the bathroom and turn it inside out (like I was a school student wearing something provocative) or to go home and change or get a jacket on. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

So, needless to say, I voiced my opinion on the spot. I let those old hags know that I was not about to be treated like a school child and turn my shirt inside out!!!! My shirt didn't technically say a candidates name, it was making fun of him, hence, OBUMMER! What happen to Free Speech and Self Expression? It's not like the place was packed and I walked in w/ a gang of people barking out John McCain and holding signs hi expressing our excitement for the election of Senator John McCain to the Presidency of the United States of America!! Not to mention there were only 2 people in there this morning (besides the Old Hags) me and another older lady who would have never noticed my shirt if those old hags wouldn't have said something.

No argument changed their minds and I was made to leave the voting office to go get a jacket to cover up w/. I don't think I have ever been so upset in all my life (when it came to voting) about getting in "trouble" for expressing my views and feelings in an election. I think those old hags were just mad at my shirt because they want Obama to win. Let's face it, this is TTown, it was 7 in the morning, who cares what shirt you wear. I mean seriously, give me a break!

After all of this I sure hope the people of the United States get this right and vote John McCain & Sarah Palin into office today.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Party 2008

Halloween is always a fun time of year for us. As the years go by we see our little guy growing up so fast. I remember his first Halloween when we dressed him up as Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. Let me tell you how cute he was. Going from that cute to seeing his interest change to the scary, bloody, and terrifying Scream Guy. Fake blood included. He was so happy to get this outfit. To see the excitement in his eyes is worth everything to me. I know he had fun.

You never know who will walk up to your door on Halloween. This year we were honored to have the Republican Candidate, John McCain stop by and talk to us for a bit. What an experience, I hear he's even making a stop at the Republican office this Tuesday evening. So please if you don't get anything else done on Tuesday, please be sure to vote for the only candidate who cares in this election, John McCain!! Every vote counts and we need yours to win! Thanks for stopping by Mr. John McCain, you have our vote on Tuesday!

Last night we were invited to Chris and Christina's house for a Halloween Party. Paige, Jaden, Gage, Calvin and Caleb were all in there costumes and just to good to see. All the little ones had fun playing while all the adults were socializing, eating good soups and foods and talking politics and everyday BS. It was a good time and I'm so glad the whole family came, even my mom and dad stopped by for a while. I just love my family, it just doesn't get any better than what I have!

Things are looking up!

After our PTC a couple of weeks ago I was fairly worried about Caleb being in this High math class. Well w/ a lot of practicing and a phone call to his teacher I feel he will do fine in this class. She is not worried that he won't pass and I know he can do it. We studied for his times test (what he's having the most trouble w/) last week every extra minute we had and he took his test on Friday and only missed 1 out of 80. That's AWESOME Caleb, I couldn't be more proud of you!!!

I think we're on the road to victory in this class. I hope I'm not counting my eggs before they hatch.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Rough PTC

Unfortunately this years 1st quarter didn't go as I had imagined. We got just a slight bump in the rode and I'm not certain yet how we as a family are going to attack it.

Here's the story:

Caleb is doing great in school. His teacher's enjoy him and gets along well w/ everyone. However in one class he seems to really be struggling and just barely keeping his head above water. This would be math class. Now, Caleb is a very good student and tries very hard. He knows what his father and I expect and he really aims to please. Don't get me wrong he has his troubled moments but what child doesn't? Let's face it school is a lot harder now than it was even when Matt & I were in. The State just expects so much out of these student now days, I know I'm just biast(sp).

Sorry, back to his math. His math teacher doesn't seem to even want him in her class. She has been teaching this class for a very long time and I suspect she is very good at it. However, she is terrible at explaining your child's problems to you. She gave Caleb a below average effort because he had a C- at the end of the first quarter. Please, are you serious!!! Wonder if she ever thought "hmmm, maybe he is just not getting what she is talking about". Do you think she called us to let us know that Caleb was struggling - ever, NO. She waits till PTC and lowers the bombshell that we as parents have to help fix. Maybe it's just me, but a little heads up after maybe a few bombed test so Matt & I can keep an eye on how he studies or does his math. UGH!!!

I'm not upset w/ Caleb at all but I do feel sorry for him. Like I said w/ a below average effort he feels like he's letting himself and us both down. I know I need to get a little thicker skin when it comes to Caleb but I'm sorry, I'm his mother and it my job to protect him!!!

Note to Caleb:
I think your doing a great job little man. You keep up the hard work and we'll help you any way we can. Just keep your chin up buddy. We're also VERY proud of you for sticking w/ "high" math for another two weeks to see if you working even harder benefits your grade average. We Love You!!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

It's Soccer Saturday

Just thought everyone should know that Caleb has a double header soccer game in T-Town this weekend. He is very excited about this for two reason, 1 - he missed last weekends game because we were out of town, 2 - HE LOVES PLAYING SOCCER!!!!

I believe the first game starts at 1pm and the second game will start around 3pm. Hope all who can attend make it to cheer on our awesome little fella!

Toodles :-)


For the last few days I can't stop smiling. What's going on???

I was getting very used to waking up every morning not caring if I spoke to a single person. Simply not wanting to face my days. I felt like a burden to my husband and an a lot less of a mother to our son. I have never felt this way before in my life, almost like a failure to everyone I knew. Trapped in a dark closet w/ no key to escape. I've been stressed before but never to this extent.

A few weeks ago I started seeing a big change in my attitude on life. I started off w/ waking up every morning w/ a more positive attitude. Then, I got more organized (like I was before) w/ Caleb and all his events (school, serving, sports, ect.). Now this week I can't stop SMILING!!!! I just feel happy inside and out. I'm having a hard time sleeping now because I'm afraid to loose this moment.

I am a very independent person and have a very hard time leaning on anyone for help me but right now I feel more open to the idea. My husband wants so badly for me to lean harder on him & right now I feel like there are some issues (good ones, of course) that I think I'd feel better talking to him about.

So basically, here's to Smiling!!! I really wish everyone at least a day of feeling the way I have all week. I hope the mood I'm in stays for a long time. Good things are coming, I hope!

Monday, October 13, 2008

My Precious Little Caleb!!

My son never seizes to amaze me. Even at nine years old he has the heart and compassion of a 30+ year old. I always look forward to our conversations and our 1 on 1 time when I get home from work each day. No matter how bad a day I'm having Caleb can read me well and fix all troubles w/ his big smile and his warming hugs.

Today, he called me at work to say hi then ask me if I would like to meet his Mema and him for lunch since he had a day off from school. In his next breath he asked for his Aunt Christina phone # so he could call her and ask her if she and Calvin would like to join us. To me this was the sweetest thing he could have done and it makes me know that he thinks about spending extra time w/ me when he can. Although friends and ballgames take priority most times, deep down he proves to me everyday he's my little boy. I love you Caleb.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

TTST Debut

Today was Caleb's first game w/ the Teutopolis Traveling Soccer Team (TTST), there team name is Teutopolis Sting. It was a very interesting game to say the least. I feel our children were a lot less knowledgeable of this sport than I thought they were. They're very green behind the ears but I know w/ time they will get it together and start kicking some major but. They played very hard this afternoon but even w/ the score of 8-0 the never got down on themselves and kept pushing forward w/ all they had. We were able to score 1 goal in the 4th quarter, leaving the final score: Sacred Heart 8, TTown Sting 1. So we didn't get skunk :-) I will give it to Sacred Heart though, they were coached very well and the children were very good.

Caleb's next game is on Sunday, Oct 4th in Vandalia at 4pm. Anyone who is interested in going let me know and we can try to carpool.

Better Day...

Today I woke up w/ a much more positive outlook on life. I can't control what everyone else does I just need to find a way to comfortably deal w/ them. I tend to be an over-reactor when it comes to things not going as planned. I'm really going to try very hard in the future to stay relaxed, as long as I'm in the right and Matt and Caleb are in the right, I have no concerns or worries about how or what everyone else is doing or not doing. I just need to find me again and I feel this is where I should start and see where it takes me.

To Better Days Ahead :-)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

The BIGGER Person!

Have you ever gotten tired of being the BIGGER person? Well I can tell you from experience that I'm 100% sick of it!!!! I'm soooo tired of people in my family hurting my feelings, talking about my "confidential" information, and just completely being disregard to my feelings. I'm only human and God bless my husband for trying to install better qualities of self control in me within our last 5yrs of marriage. I'm by all means not perfect BUT I think I control most of my situations very well.

Last night I found out from a VERY close family member that she told someone else confidential information about our life. WHAT!!!! Seriously, how does this happen? You are family, blood is thicker than water. We should always count on you to have our backs not expose them!!!! I'm sorry but if Matt or I confide in you then I EXPECT you to keep it between us!!!!

At some point I really wish that things can be reconciled but right now I am way too upset/hurt over this person complete disregard to our personal information. I just don't feel this person is thinking of the full picture in our situation. Even w/ as much as I'm trying to include everyone it still has its disappointments and to have more let down on family ends, it makes it 100 times harder to deal w/!!!!

Basically to all that care, if you can't keep what I tell you in confidence, I don't want to speak w/ you anymore!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Remembering 9/11

A day to remember all the days of my life. I will always remember what I was doing and where I was at when our country became the victim of terror. No words can be spoken to take away the pain in every American on that dreadful day. Whether you were physically involved in the disaster or sitting at work or home watching everything playout, seemingly in slow motion on the television, feeling paralyzed, and numb.

Today we remember all the lost, physically wounded, and emotionally scarred from our tragedy. On this day, September 11th 2008, the seventh anniversary of the attack on America, our hearts go out to all the families of the victims now and always. I can only hope that one day we find and return the pain induced favor to Osama Bin Laden and all of his crazy followers.

May God Bless the United States of America!!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Soccer Season!!

The soccer season officially started this evening. I am happy to say that Team Ordner won there first game, 4 to 1. Yes, I'm proud to say Caleb did get one of those goals, way to go son!! Our team has great potential and I'm sure by the end of the season we will be hard to stop. All the children are go getters. However, this year is a little different. The field is much bigger and honestly I think all involved ran low on energy around the end of the third quarter. In saying this our team never lost heart, they dug deep and continued on to victory.

Caleb is one of the luckiest children I know. You can always count on a cheering section when it comes to Caleb and sports. Between Mema and Papa, and Gma & Gpa Ordner, plus Aunt Jeannie & Uncle Jim, Aunt Judy, and Uncle Chris, Aunt Christina and last but not least Caleb's Smallest Fan (& Cousin) Calvin. Thank you all for coming it means so much to all of us. Calvin, I think your Caleb's good luck charm :-) We hope to see you all next week Monday, same time same place.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Who's got your vote?

Well, I must say I'm very proud to be an independent voter. I never really like making my final decision until I see everything layed out like a book. All the bad, all the good, and a little bit of the "who cares" categories. I've been watching both the DNC and now the RNC and to be honest w/ you I know the candidates to do the best job for our country is, drum roll please......


That's right, I'm voting Republican AGAIN!!! I'm almost shocked myself, I really thought in the end I would vote Democratic this year because of the economy in our country right now. However, the Dem's never really gave any examples of how they are going to fix it. Obama and Biden gave a lot of thoughts and false hopes for the moral of the supporters. It just seems like they said what the know the people want to hear. Not only that, what has Obama really done for this country so far? Really, I don't trust anyone to run our country and not be able to place his hand on bible to be sworn in. I don't trust Obama!!! I'm sorry, if all it takes to have under your belt to become President of the United States of America is being a great public speaker and a good "group organizer" then sign me up! At least w/ the Rep's they know they can't fix it all but they know they have to start somewhere. They will start off w/ less off shore drilling, make new jobs by building more nuclear power plants, weaning ourselves off the dependencies of other countries and most importantly extending all the help needed to our troops as they fight for our freedom and our country so we can WIN this war on terror!!!! John McCain has had plenty of experience fighting for our country and its freedom! He is a true Hero!!

Let's face it, there will never be a "Perfect" president. However, if you stand back and honestly look at both candidates resumes, it's not to hard to figure out who is going get our country out of its slump and put us back on our feet.

John McCain and Sarah Palin are the best candidates for the job!!! VOTE 2008

Monday, September 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Tommy!!!

Tommy, you finally made it!!! Congrats on your 21st Birthday!!! I've already heard some stories...that's to be expected, good memories are always nice to have! I just hope you had a wonderful 21st filled w/ great memories and one huge HANGOVER!!!! Anyway, that's what it's all about, right? Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy a 21st bday drink w/ you one of these weekends. Just be careful and enjoy life but please always remember to be responsible. If you ever need a ride or somewhere to stay, you know our #...YOU are very important to us!!!!

Happy Birthday little brother :-)

Cousin's Love

I hope everyone had a great Labor Day Weekend!!! I know we did. Although the weekend still seemed very short, it was nonstop. There always seems to be things going on in our lives either family related or recreational. Either way, we always seem to be on the go, which eventually can wear a person down. With saying this, I thought the weekend ended perfectly.

We had a an appt to be at on Sunday and my very thoughtful sister and brother-in-law asked if they could help us out and take care of Caleb. They all took off to the Sigel tractor pull and ended up having so much fun. Caleb and Calvin get along so well, although by the end of the evening I think all involved were exhausted!
This evening we were very excited to have Calvin come over and spend a few hours w/ us. Talk about fun, he is just a burst full of happiness that can always make a person smile. Then you take that happiness and add it to Caleb's consideration, loving, & fun self, you have a great combination! How much fun can children be?

Throughout the years Caleb and Calvin will grow up together and between their own memories and the ones Christina and I photo and/or blog...well I don't think they will miss a thing!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

First School Day of 2008

Today was Caleb's first day of 4th grade. It was a beautiful sunny day and comfortable temperature in the 80's. What a great way to start a new adventure. What I couldn't believe all morning is how much he has grown up. It just seems like yesterday he was learning to walk and talk. Now he comprehends everything and knows all. Wow, how the time flies.

He woke up so perfectly this morning, no lolly-gagging or whining for a couple more minutes of sleep. I must say it couldn't have been more perfect for the both of us.

He picked out what he wanted to wear and of course he had to show off his BEARS jersey, one of his most favorite shirts of his most favorite team. Next, he wanted to try and gel his hair up in the front. (you know how important the looks are for a 4th grader these days) It never really worked for us in the past but we thought we had the time and it was worth another shot. So we did and this is what he was satisfied w/:

You looked great today pal, but I think you do everyday! I'm your mom, I think your perfect in everyway and there will never be a moment that I change my mind about that!

I must say he is my boy and I cherish every new adventure that we take on. For today, well, I think we're off to another great start! We work the best as a team and there could never be a moment that I would deny him anything.

Have a Fun-Filled school year buddy, I LOVE YOU!!! XOXOXO

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Time off!!!

I've been looking forward to this week for a very long time! Not only is my S-I-L, Alicia, getting married on Friday but I will have a 4 Day WEEKEND!!!! How exciting it is to have 4 days off in a row and not have any O-O-T plans! I can do what I want, when I want! ;-)

I'm going to soooo love the R & R and all the extra time Caleb and I will have to goof around! Caleb goes back to school in 2 1/2 weeks already and he has spent more time at his grandparents this summer than w/ me because I work. Don't get me wrong I'm grateful that he is w/ his grandparents instead of daycare, but everyday I look at him and wish it was me he could be w/ all summer. I love my job and never want to leave it but Time Off is always something great to look forward too!

This day can't get any better than it will be at 5:30!! Hope everyone has as good a weekend as I do.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Fun Trip

As I mentioned in a previous blog, we took a fun-filled trip to Holiday World two weeks ago. Everything that included our family was so enjoyable that day! The weather was perfect, warm and sunny all day! The only thing that was slightly aggrivating were the lines you had to wait in to ride something. However, it's summer time and that's what its all about. Memories are made w/ days like that!

We all got there about 9:30am and were ready to find some fun. First we headed to Splashin Safari where we spent most of the day! Lazy River was by far my favorite spot of the day! Caleb really loved the Big Wave Pool, to me I thought the kiddie wave pool was much safer. Caleb also had a great time in the pool attacking his dad. What's more fun than that.

After having tons of fun in the pool area all day Chris, Christina, and Calvin had to head home and we decided it was the perfect time try out some roller coasters!! Wow were they fun! We road all three of there roller coasters and I think by far as a family we thought the Voyager was the BEST!!! Caleb was so worried about in the line you could see it in his face. He wanted to be a big kid and do all the big kid stuff but behind everything you could see the fear. Once on the ride I don't think he could have gripped the bar any tighter, but as soon as it was over all we heard was "Can we do it again, please, please!"

Holiday World is by far the BEST family vacation spot around our area. It beats everything about Six Flags. Good Memories were had, can't wait till next trip.


Well I have had some bad days but last Thursday was by far the worst! On July 24, 2008 I was pulled over for speeding!!!!!! I was doing 43mph in a 30mph -- UHG, busted! There is no worse of a feeling that just knowing you are at the mercy of a Police Officer. Luck being abnormally on my side that day the extremely nice officer let me head off w/ a simple!

Friday, July 25, 2008

The Brickyard

Today is the day we all head off to the Brickyard in Indianapolis. We are headed up w/ a funfilled bunch this year and should have a ton of stories. Matt has gone up w/ this group of people for the past three years however this is my first year to experience it. I must be honest in saying the the Indy track is by far NOT my favorite track to go to. I've been there once and never cared to go back again. I'm not much into the whole partying thing and truth be known I'm quite a light weight when it comes to drinking. Better said, I can't run w/ the Big Dogs anymore! This is just one of the reasons I didn't mind staying home.

We are heading up today at noon w/ our friends Nate and Cory and my brother in law Tommy. Nate is driving his big Ford F150 crew cab. I do know that just w/ the little group we make there will be a lot of character to go around. I should have at least 1 good story of each of them by the time I get back ;-)

Although this is Tony Stewarts last year w/ JGR, I'm still his #1 fan! Next year, I will always miss the fact that he won't be supporting the #20 Home Depot car. That's is all I've ever cheered for in my racing history. I do wish him the best of luck in his new adventure in 2009. I believe his 1st year of course will be a bit of a struggle to get on his feet, hopefully I'm wrong. Either way I look forward to cheering him on and again buying all the necessary gear to show my support! I hope Tony pulls off another victory this Sunday and can kiss the bricks one last time w/ the #20 team. Only if Zippy could go w/ him on the move, they just seem like such a great tag-team effect. Who knows though, maybe the straight cut away is just what he needs to improve for next year, maybe there too close?!?! I'm going to stay in the here and now and just wish Tony and Zippy the best for the rest of this season and hope that there bad luck turns around soon!! Go Tony Stewart!!!!!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

No More Daycare

Last night my momma called me and wanted to know if Caleb could spend the night, this was at 8:30 or so. I thought it was a little late and we needed to consider daycare too. Even if Caleb doesn't show up we still have to pay the weekly fee. So once my parents heard this I could immediately hear the wheels turning! Mom said she had to talk to my dad and she would call me back. It wasn't even 5 minutes and my cell phone rang, they wanted to watch him the rest of the summer so he didn't have to go to daycare anymore. Once Caleb heard about this I don't think his eyes could have opened any wider. Then said "Can I mom, can I please!?!?" Now tell me, how do you say NO to that kind of a request?

Caleb is soo excited to be w/ his grandparents for the rest of the summer.

Thanks Mom and Dad, you really know how to make Caleb smile!!!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's Time for Holiday World!!!!

This Saturday our family is heading to Holiday World in Indiana. Getting away as a family is always something we look forward to. No phones, worries, and most of all NO drama! Last year we tried Six Flags in St. Louis, MO, out for a spin. That was a huge disappointment for Caleb. It just wasn't as child orientated as Holiday World is and he ended up having to ride the same ride over and over again. Bummer :-(

This year is even more exciting because we headed up there w/ Chris, Christina, and Calvin. Even more family fun! We're keeping our fingers crossed that nothing comes up and the weather stays beautiful.