Wednesday, May 28, 2008

My Tough Guy!

Caleb is at the age where he really needs to be w/ me when shopping for his clothes. A few Saturdays ago I wanted to go to Champaign to shop for some summer clothes for him and he said that was too far, he wanted to play outside. So we compromised and went out to eat lunch and then decided to go to Kohls. They had several bargains and Caleb found a good foundation of new summer clothes but what he found as we were leaving I must say SHOCKED me. I just didn't think he would ever wear this.

I think this shirt is funny but lets face it kids can be mean to one another and I was just worried that even though he liked this shirt so much it would haunt him later. To my suprise, I can't keep this shirt clean. Evertime I turn around its in the wash. He came home from school w/ stories about how many kids, both boys and girls, thought the shirt was "COOL". He's always going to be my "Little Tough Guy" not matter what age!

1 comment:

Christina said...

That shirt is hilarious! :-)