Thursday, May 14, 2009

I know all is going to be well now

This whole baby thing has been quite a whirl wind for Caleb. Frankly, it broke my heart to see how concerned he was about being a BIG brother. I thought he would love the idea straight out the gate. Well, I now know, this was 100% wishful thinking on my part. Caleb has had nothing but my full attention for the last 10 years and after I thought about it our news probably scared the daylight out of him. I felt horrible about myself after the fact. I should have never thought he would share my excitement right away.

After his initial reaction we were sure to devote 110% of our time to Caleb. Make sure he knew this baby would never take his place in my heart. He's my first born, that will always be so special to me. We updated him on everyone of our OB appointments and kept him informed of every new sono pic. I felt like I was doing everything possible to make him comfortable in our new adjustments.

Finally, this morning while getting ready for work Caleb came in our room and offered to make our bed for me. I graciously accepted his offer. After he made our bed he came over to where I was standing and patted my belly (which I might add is definitely starting to protrude) and said with a smile, "Is that my baby in there?" At that point my heart was melted. I felt he finally accepted and looks forward to the baby. HE'S READY TO BE THAT BIG BROTHER!!!!

I couldn't be a happier person right now. My son accepts the upcoming happiness to our family. I have a wonderful husband who won't let me lift a finger, he's truly my Superman. My family is constantly checking in on me to make sure things are going well. My friends are spoiling me with smiles and excitement on a daily basis. What more could a pregnant girl want.

1 comment:

Christina said...

Ahhh... so cute! :-) So glad to hear Caleb's ready for big brotherhood. :-)