Friday, May 8, 2009

We've made it!

Today is a day to celebrate! Matt and I have made it to our 2nd trimester. I know this may not seem big to most but for us it's a huge milestone. We have tried so hard and so long for this beautiful time and now I feel like we can sit back and enjoy the rest of this time.

Caleb is really coming around and showing signs of how good of a big brother he is going to be. He is showing concern for everything I do to make sure I'm not overdoing anything. He has told us that he wants to be at the sono when they inform us of the sex of the baby. He still thinks the only thing we should bring home is a boy though. I don't think that's ever going to change. The good thing is, if we are informed we're having a girl then we have around 20 weeks to get him ready for her :-) He'll do just fine either way. He's my wonderful little man!


Christina said...

YAY! :-)
When will you find out if it's a prince or a princess?

Wendy said...

20 Wks