Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hiccups are a wonderful thing.

I've been waiting and waiting for little Blueberry to have hiccups and finally last weekend she did. They were very distinguishable too. I was very worried that she may not even have them since it was getting so late in the pregnancy and they usually start up with then around 6 months, noticeably. They say that hiccups help develope their lungs. Caleb had them all the time and was for the most part and still is a very healthy child. I was afraid if she didn't have them that she could have some complications with her lungs. Even though my doctor insisted she would be fine. I'm just a worry wart, but now at least I know her lungs are working good. I can also tell that she is still head down from where the hiccups are most felt.

Well we've made it to week 32 and are feeling good. So we only have between 5-7 wks left. So hard to believe she is almost here to meet us. The excitement is filling in the family.

1 comment:

Christina said...

How cute! :-) Thanks for sharing! With the help of a friend, I finished the last of Blueberry's shower gift this morning. :-)