Saturday, February 13, 2010

Card with a message

Throughout the past couple of weeks we've received a lot of sympathy cards from family and friends that were all very touching. With this, just yesterday we received another card that just spoke to me. I wanted to share it because I could see Tommy saying this to our family.

A Note from Heaven
If I could write from Heaven,
this is what I'd say,
Please don't miss me too much,
I'm with you throughout your day.
You may not see or hear me,
but if you're quiet and still,
You may just feel my presence;
because, in Heaven, there is free will.
Don't worry for the day,
it will come and go as planned,
Enjoy each moment you are given,
keep worry from your hand.
Keep sorrow to a minimum;
for if Heaven you could see,
You'd know I'm safe and happy,
I did not cease to be.
Moments in time are brief,
until we'll be together again,
as Eternity lasts forever,
our lives, they have no end.

Thank you Aunt Sammy. This was very inspirational. I know Tommy will ALWAYS be with us. He's always been our little protector and now he's our Guardian Angel who one day we shall see again.

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