Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Carpet is going in the baby's room today...yay!!!!

Today is the day I've been waiting for since I knew we were prego. This morning at 7am Jason was at our house ready to lay the carpet in Blueberry's room. I've never been more excited to see someone show up at our house that early in the morning!

Now that the carpet is being done this means that come this weekend Matt, Caleb, and I will be busy bringing down our crib and changing table and setting up where I want everthing to go. Maybe I'll even be able to talk a shopping trip to Baby Depot too. There are still a few little odds and ends to pick up for her room there yet.

By my calculations we should have a whole month to just relax and prepare ourselves for little miss Blueberry's arrival. This should be plenty of time to visit the hospital, try to talk Matt into taking a labor and delivery class (wish me luck on that, he doesn't think he needs any help), signing up for Baptismal classes, and most importantly ~ PICKING OUT HER NAME!!!!!!!

Matt did spend all evening last night on Baby Center looking at every name possibility there was. I do think we have it narrowed down to three possibilities now though. So I do feel a lot less stressed about this now. However, no one will know what we've chosen until the day of her arrival. That is the one thing Matt, Caleb, and I are keeping to ourselves. So until that wonderful day we will all refer to her as "Blueberry".

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