Saturday, November 22, 2008

Movie of the Year!!! A MUST SEE!!!

On Friday, November 21st at 9:45pm, I met up w/ Christina, Dawn, and Candy to watch The Movie of the Year - TWILIGHT.

This movie is unbelievable. It's only rated PG-13 so you know it's not like the other vampire movies out there - gory and sexy. It was a romantic/comedy/drama. A really great combination if you ask me.

This movie intrigued me so much I had to go and buy the book. Now I just started yesterday evening and I'm already on chapter 3. This may not sound like much for some readers, but for me this is a big deal. I'm not a reader, I don't have the time. For this book I'm making the time and it works out good because it's easier for Caleb to have his reading time since I'm reading too.

Well, I'm off to read some more. If you haven't seen this movie I highly recommend it. Who doesn't love Romance and Sincerity? Edward is every girls dream even if he is a Vampire.

BTW.....Thank you Dawn for purchasing the tix early. The invite was very much appreciated girls :-)

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I think I'm dragging HH to see it this weekend! I'm smiling already at the thought.