Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy Thoughts for me!

Well as of today I'm a widow till Sunday. Deer Season has struck again. I've got a lot going on this week and emotions are running high. Anymore lately that's all I am, a big pile of blubery emotions. Tears, sobs, and sleepless nights.

I usually love deer season. I have the house to myself for my good quality Me time. This year is soo different for me though, why? Anyone who knows me probably knows why. I try so hard to be strong on the outside and carry a positive attitude, but this season it's really difficult to do without my husband. I've never been this needy before and I hope it doesn't last long. I know I'll make it through. I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I'm just not a quiter. I will prevail in what I'm working so hard for. I have nothing but happy thoughts now for a wonderful future.

Good Luck Honey!! Hope you find you BIG Buck!

Here's to my HAPPY THOUGHTS!


Dawn said...

And here's to you getting what you want/need/seek.

Christina said...

Sending lots of happy thoughts! :-)

KatBouska said...

My step dad used to leave during elk season every year. I think it would be hard...especially with the kids...but sometimes a little break from the hubby to do whatever I want sounds kind of nice. :)