Tuesday, November 11, 2008

We Thank You!!

I want to take a moment and Thank ALL of our Veterans for there commitment, courage, and most of all, honor. You put forth all you have for our country w/ out argument or hesitation. You do what many Americans can't because of fear. I know I'm not physically or mentally strong enough for your duties.
You have given us the opportunity to live happy and safe lives and for our children to dream big.

You are HERO'S to all of us!!
God Bless You & Your Families!
This Blog is dedicated to my S-I-L, Christina Ordner
Thank You for all your sacrifices while enlisted in our
United States Air Force and Thanks for all you do for me!
Job well Done!

1 comment:

Christina said...

Awww... thanks! :-) I'd do it all over again.