Thursday, December 11, 2008

Secret Santa?!?

I want to thank whoever it was that dropped a sweater, placed in a holiday bag, w/ red tissue paper on top, off at our home this afternoon. Unfortunately I'm at a loss. I don't know what to do w/ it. Is it for him for Christmas, his Birthday, or just because? When should I give it to him? It's a really cute sweater that would be great for Christmas pix. So whomever this Secret Santa is please let me know what I'm supposed to do.

If I don't hear from anyone by next Friday I'll just go ahead and give it to him as an extra birthday gift. This way he'll have it washed and available for our family Christmas'.

Again, A Big Thank You to whomever you are!!! You have great taste =)


Christina said...

Maybe Santa saw how good Caleb was being and decided to leave an early present. :-)

Dawn said...

I think you and Christina have the same Secret Santa