Friday, December 12, 2008

They Made It!!

Jamaica Bound and Free!

My mom and dad and my aunt and uncle have landed in the beautiful, warm, and sunny Jamaica this afternoon. I'm so jealous =)

My mom and dad have been married for 25 years and haven't been out of the U.S. once. My dad has never been on a plane before. Furthermore, he's barely been out of Illinois. I think he's been as far as Florida - ONCE. So we were a little worried he might get butterflies upon entering the plane and chicken out.

Well he did great! No problems through the flight and they are well on their way to a Fun and Worry Free Week in the land of "NO Problem Man" Jamaica.

I hope they take a lot of pictures so they can prove they were really there =) Wish you the best, be careful, and most of all - HAVE A BLAST!!!

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I am so jealous. I think it should be illegal to post pictures of warm, exotic locales while it's freezing outside.